
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2012


August 6, 2012  It is around one and a half month I am in Depok without any activities. I have been healthier now, I already can walk without stake and I think I have been healthy to make farther trip to other cities. and today I get some thoughts for how should I be in the coming moment. I hope I could take wiser path for my life now. I still am thinking a lot for this. June 15, 2012 It is already more than one month I have been absent from this blogger. I was just discharged from hospital three days ago. I had got accident, my leg was hurt and also my lumber was very painful. As long as my soul is still inside with me, I have to make good every moment I have. The virtual world of dream had ended, now I must walk on with everything I have in my hand. Yes, I have lost everything, including my faith, even I want to protect my faith, I want to be a humble person for Allah SWT.. This evening my beloved Cuplis told a lot about rumors that had fast spread out amongst the in-la...