May 29, 2013
This new post is intended for self preparing to welcome Ramadhan. I know, that I am not too sincere in praying, I haven't done it regularly yet. I am still indulged myself, I am still trying to comfort myself. I do not complain about my present life, j'aime beaucoup mon train de vie. And I still hope there will still be a change in my life, I will be able to live gorgeously as an happy elderly, though living alone.
Today, May 30, 2013, I am to promise to hold praying every time just for self indulgence.And I promise to hold better structured life.
Today I totally failed, I am afraid that I will not have any chance to my obsession for reorganizing, resizing and repacking myself. I want to fast for 10 days to welcome the sacred month of Ramadhan, they say, if I can make use of 10 days of this month of Rajab, I will be able to have hope for better life. I want to do this seriously.
Dear Sister, I regret very much, that this week I have failed to self discipline, I have done erractically the obligation of sholat, and I afraid of being ordinary person, I wanted to be special in this life. Even today, I failed to make self resizing. I am very upset and worry to much.
I have failed in reorganizing myself so far, I am so afraid of being disrespected by people surround me, so I must reorganize and restructure totally my own life. I have accepted myself as what I am and what I have, the thing that I want do, is to reorganizs, resizing and repact correctly.
Tomorrow, is the first monday of this month, I want to start doing all the above as I get the feeling of degrading, I want to have also the honor of being a person, an elderly of course. Of course, I want also to be on the stage and also dance beautifully, being alone is marvelous.
This new post is intended for self preparing to welcome Ramadhan. I know, that I am not too sincere in praying, I haven't done it regularly yet. I am still indulged myself, I am still trying to comfort myself. I do not complain about my present life, j'aime beaucoup mon train de vie. And I still hope there will still be a change in my life, I will be able to live gorgeously as an happy elderly, though living alone.
Today I totally failed, I am afraid that I will not have any chance to my obsession for reorganizing, resizing and repacking myself. I want to fast for 10 days to welcome the sacred month of Ramadhan, they say, if I can make use of 10 days of this month of Rajab, I will be able to have hope for better life. I want to do this seriously.
Dear Sister, I regret very much, that this week I have failed to self discipline, I have done erractically the obligation of sholat, and I afraid of being ordinary person, I wanted to be special in this life. Even today, I failed to make self resizing. I am very upset and worry to much.
I have failed in reorganizing myself so far, I am so afraid of being disrespected by people surround me, so I must reorganize and restructure totally my own life. I have accepted myself as what I am and what I have, the thing that I want do, is to reorganizs, resizing and repact correctly.
Tomorrow, is the first monday of this month, I want to start doing all the above as I get the feeling of degrading, I want to have also the honor of being a person, an elderly of course. Of course, I want also to be on the stage and also dance beautifully, being alone is marvelous.
I was thinking of taking this week for fasting, because I was afraid of losing my own confidence, and then feeling humiliated as my being existence in the family of Mas Bintoro. I only want to think how I can walk gracefully in this world in my solitude life. Therefore, I need to do fasting.
I want to lead a happy and gracious elderly, I am begging to GOD that I will not make my folks to be grieven over my situation and condition.
June 13, 2013
Two days ago, I received a message informing that my cellular number was chosen to get a prize No. IV under PIN No. 277fg49 and I was ask to open www.kejutanxlaxiata.blogspot,com, and I did that. On that website I found that prize IV was cheque of IDR 49 million, I was asked to get in touch with Drs. Edy Gunawan, the director of HO of PT XL AXIATA Jakarta for further information regarding said prize. (Call centre phones : 021-708507, 087714777977/0016287721217555). I could speak with Mr. Edy Gunawan who asked to supply my bank account number. Everybody told me that it was only a fraud. I agreed with them, because there were a lot of such messages were received on phones, and they were fraud. And I rechecked the website, further scrutinized all about the XL, I thought, the prizes were correct. I also checked my messsage sent to them yesterday, To my surprise, I made a mistake in that message, I had typing error on the number of my bank account, just now I tried to correct the error by sending a new SMS, but I was afraid that my SMS was rejected, meaning that I would not get the prize. Unlucky of me, but it's okay, it will not be any problem, beacuse I am a happy go lucky person. I will always be happy.
Oh I really feel sorry, very sorry, why do I become so careless, and I think my world will last only until this month, if only they are not robbing my money from the saldo balance in my account, I hope it will not happen. Let it be, what is gone, be by gone.
I know God often teases me by sending angels to test me or by blowing heaven wind, an enticement of being rich, so often feel getting prank, I was often deceived, like this prize of X L Axiata above. It's okay, iIt will not be any trouble for me, so it doesn't matter.
This morning I went to ATM for checking the available balance in my account. Though no deposit into my account in connection with XL-Axiata prize, I feel relieved that nothing is lost. I feel ashame, of course, and disappointment. But for own interest, I won't say anything, case is closed. Thank you.
June 25, 2013
Recently I had been too greedy, I ate everything uncontrolled. And since two days ago, I have got painful of my hip, I am feeling sick.I know, I should keep diet And I have to return to normal activities!
On June20, 2013 I made a decicion to unschribe my membership of Sara Freder, and It is important that I will not be ambigous in my faith. Thank you.
I have 3 main prayers in my life:
I have been in the month for about 16 days, there are 13 days left for Iedulfitri, meaning that I will do fasting for 13 days, and we are going to celebrate Hari Raya Iedul Fitri. It goes so good so far, only this morning I feel bad, I am not afraid of facing days to come, in poverty, may be, and I must believe that this will become the part of my life. I will not deny anything.
I want to lead a happy and gracious elderly, I am begging to GOD that I will not make my folks to be grieven over my situation and condition.
June 13, 2013
Two days ago, I received a message informing that my cellular number was chosen to get a prize No. IV under PIN No. 277fg49 and I was ask to open www.kejutanxlaxiata.blogspot,com, and I did that. On that website I found that prize IV was cheque of IDR 49 million, I was asked to get in touch with Drs. Edy Gunawan, the director of HO of PT XL AXIATA Jakarta for further information regarding said prize. (Call centre phones : 021-708507, 087714777977/0016287721217555). I could speak with Mr. Edy Gunawan who asked to supply my bank account number. Everybody told me that it was only a fraud. I agreed with them, because there were a lot of such messages were received on phones, and they were fraud. And I rechecked the website, further scrutinized all about the XL, I thought, the prizes were correct. I also checked my messsage sent to them yesterday, To my surprise, I made a mistake in that message, I had typing error on the number of my bank account, just now I tried to correct the error by sending a new SMS, but I was afraid that my SMS was rejected, meaning that I would not get the prize. Unlucky of me, but it's okay, it will not be any problem, beacuse I am a happy go lucky person. I will always be happy.
Oh I really feel sorry, very sorry, why do I become so careless, and I think my world will last only until this month, if only they are not robbing my money from the saldo balance in my account, I hope it will not happen. Let it be, what is gone, be by gone.
I know God often teases me by sending angels to test me or by blowing heaven wind, an enticement of being rich, so often feel getting prank, I was often deceived, like this prize of X L Axiata above. It's okay, iIt will not be any trouble for me, so it doesn't matter.
This morning I went to ATM for checking the available balance in my account. Though no deposit into my account in connection with XL-Axiata prize, I feel relieved that nothing is lost. I feel ashame, of course, and disappointment. But for own interest, I won't say anything, case is closed. Thank you.
June 25, 2013
Recently I had been too greedy, I ate everything uncontrolled. And since two days ago, I have got painful of my hip, I am feeling sick.I know, I should keep diet And I have to return to normal activities!
On June20, 2013 I made a decicion to unschribe my membership of Sara Freder, and It is important that I will not be ambigous in my faith. Thank you.
I have 3 main prayers in my life:
- beautiful and happy journey, as if I take promenade in eden, no bad luck or catastrophe, want for nothing. I am healthy and happy always.
- My life will end happily, brings no difficulty to my beloved family, no burden for the rest of my family.
- If possible I die in good health condition, preferably my country or public can take over in taking care of my body, and a lot benefit will be received by my family, for their welfare.
- Be Self coordinative with all my faculties under the command of brain, heart has its own function to compose and love for the whole self-existance,
- capable of self maintenance, for good health, sanity and beauty.
- When the time has come, I wish to have a special event that can take to heaven nicely, like one who steps into another room of life.
I have been in the month for about 16 days, there are 13 days left for Iedulfitri, meaning that I will do fasting for 13 days, and we are going to celebrate Hari Raya Iedul Fitri. It goes so good so far, only this morning I feel bad, I am not afraid of facing days to come, in poverty, may be, and I must believe that this will become the part of my life. I will not deny anything.
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