Twilight is nightfall, the time when the sun down in the afternoon, going to be night. One should have cleansed oneself and be ready to have afternoon prayer, or "sholat Magrib", it is late time of the day, one supposed to have finished with working time of the day. For elderly, it is a late time, one is supposed to be composed, and should concentrate on spiritual matters like reciting sacred Kuranic verses for self provisions in the eternal world, the time when one is to appear before the Almighty God. One should not be burderned with mundane matters, nomore turmoil in the heart, One is supposed to be calm, composed, wise and solemn.
In the world of reality, there are still a lot of problems that must be faced by individual, whilst life is still there. Problems that never came up before, this time they can come up and turn upside down everything. One needs firm attitude to face problems, to be brave, as well as to be considerate.
When they are still active and work for their living, life seems to go on smoothly, they seldom think what will be needed when they are old. I do agree, that problems are everywhere in every age time, whether they are children, young adults, adults, or elderlies. And I dare to bet that every problem is new and become experience to the concerned person..
Children time, they are finding excitement of a new game, for example; young adults are searching for love, adults are to built solid foundation for maintaining their family, for building "our home" (meaning to built a house for the entire family members; a warm and comfortable building called "home" or love house).
What I wanted to tell you is that I had never thought of living as an elderly. I thought, living alone would be easy, would have liberty to do things she liked, not much things to be needed. One thought, living alone would only need to have a room space for rest, having a basic food to meal, so one never cared of preparing something for her living in the days when she has been old, she never cared to have a house for herself, she never cared to have saving funds.And in reality, yes, all above things are not really needed, but, beyond expecations, a lot of things that must have happenned long before, come up as a new problems.
Life of elderly should be composed, calm, and peaceful, why often we feel unrest, why despair and emptiness are often dominating?
When life is still there in our body, we should maintain it well, it should be well provided for, want should be fulfilled, burdens should be carried on shoulders, if they are heavy, by hand if they are light, stick together through thick and thin.Logically, life is not too heavy, it is flowing like stream of water. But life is life, it can't be compared with inaminate object.
Rather philosophical, I think, to take an analogue to Bharatayudha, civil war between Bharata decents. The evil parts of this heart, this mind are always searching way to violate their own life, while the good parts are always defending.
I'm learning french. My french learning is rather impeded by this blogger activities, let us make use of this to have this language practice. I am going to tell everything in bilingual, in English as well in french.
It is funny, what is the aim of learning that language on this late age? When I made a decision to be away from Pontianak, and then from Depok, I thought, I could reenter into employment market, for a moment I was a job-seeker. Encountering the fact that it was really not easy to find a job, it was an age factor, that made me rather indolent in being active. There were a lot of offers extended to me for making money on basis of free-lancer (I could take trivial orders of cheap translation for students) or doing business at home, or MLM (multi level marketing), business of online basis, to be a writer and/or public speaker, but I failed, not a single job I could catch. I thought, if on my age, I could still get money, it could hamper the younger generation to win bread.This younger generation might not get the opportunity of being rich. So, I withdrew myself from this competition, as I further thought that younger people need more these job opportunities, whereas for me, I don't see what's the important of being rich in my old age, because in fact, I am not rich. It's true, that money is not everything, but having no money, we can do nothing. And I am prepared of doing nothing, if I didn't have money. But it is life, when money is nomore the question, there will still be ample things ready to make attack, be problems. Back to language learning, I have often been asked for what I do this? What for learning foreign language like this? I don't know, may be, just may be, one day in my dream, I flew to France or any other francophone countries, I might not get lost, because I would be able to ask people there with their language. Just a conditional mood, dreaming for a joke.
Yes, I just wanted to say, that life problems were uncountable. When there were nothing to think of, small or unreal thing like flying mosquito or flier would matter to us. Again, just joking. Joking could make funny over anything that became matters or problems..Life is truly complicated. Worries and anxieties will become serious or dangerous problems, if we could not manage them well.
Today, I updated my FB status by saying: "If life were as a journey from one place to another, it could be more convenient, whether it was done by sea, by land, or by air, because all had been good managed and good directed, there found traffic direction and signs along the road guiding the travellers to their destination, the only thing that should have our caution were catastrophe or accident. However, it was unlike life, as life is life, full of winding roads, full of questionmarks of worries and anxieties." ..................
August 24, 2013
The convivialities of Iedulfitri (days of celebration after fasting month of Ramadhan) have been over, the holidays have also been over, and tomorrow, Monday, August 25, 2013, people are resuming their work and offices will already be fully on the go, children will also be back to school.
I must confirm myself also to start making amend on my own personal life, as lately, my heart becomes so blue, so fragile, easily discouraged. I know that only I myself who can help and to make amends, But in the meantime, I also feel powwerless, afraid of a lot things that may happen tomorrow. Only God that can help, I must pray and pray. May God bless me always, I fear to become a resentful person arousing pity. I wish God help me..........
I hope everybody has been home and have a good night rest for tomorrow, the hustle day will be on the go ..... Cheers.
I got blessings of performing a full month (30 days) fasting in the sacred month of Ramadhan, I became more open and had talks with my kins. They bluntly remarked me that I was incorrect in holding my previous life since young. Before I was so indifferent, because I knew that they would make criticisms like that and it was a wonder that could take their hard and blunt criticisms on my being now in this situation and condition. I appreciated their remarks and happily, I did not get angry, because criticsms from inside of me were far harder than theirs. I did not regret being plunged into present condition, and I promised to make amends for all these, As they say "the rice has turned into porridge", it is no use crying over the spilt milk. I know, I am still not too opened, I incline to do all these myself; I have to impress that alone, I will be able to
restore my life, I will do my best to make the porridge to be best meal and has beatiful presentation. Therefore I conclude this post now and I hope we will have a better and more interesting self discussion.
In the world of reality, there are still a lot of problems that must be faced by individual, whilst life is still there. Problems that never came up before, this time they can come up and turn upside down everything. One needs firm attitude to face problems, to be brave, as well as to be considerate.
When they are still active and work for their living, life seems to go on smoothly, they seldom think what will be needed when they are old. I do agree, that problems are everywhere in every age time, whether they are children, young adults, adults, or elderlies. And I dare to bet that every problem is new and become experience to the concerned person..
Children time, they are finding excitement of a new game, for example; young adults are searching for love, adults are to built solid foundation for maintaining their family, for building "our home" (meaning to built a house for the entire family members; a warm and comfortable building called "home" or love house).
What I wanted to tell you is that I had never thought of living as an elderly. I thought, living alone would be easy, would have liberty to do things she liked, not much things to be needed. One thought, living alone would only need to have a room space for rest, having a basic food to meal, so one never cared of preparing something for her living in the days when she has been old, she never cared to have a house for herself, she never cared to have saving funds.And in reality, yes, all above things are not really needed, but, beyond expecations, a lot of things that must have happenned long before, come up as a new problems.
Life of elderly should be composed, calm, and peaceful, why often we feel unrest, why despair and emptiness are often dominating?
When life is still there in our body, we should maintain it well, it should be well provided for, want should be fulfilled, burdens should be carried on shoulders, if they are heavy, by hand if they are light, stick together through thick and thin.Logically, life is not too heavy, it is flowing like stream of water. But life is life, it can't be compared with inaminate object.
Rather philosophical, I think, to take an analogue to Bharatayudha, civil war between Bharata decents. The evil parts of this heart, this mind are always searching way to violate their own life, while the good parts are always defending.
I'm learning french. My french learning is rather impeded by this blogger activities, let us make use of this to have this language practice. I am going to tell everything in bilingual, in English as well in french.
- J'apprends francais. Mon apprentissage du francais est entravee par les activitee de bloguer, on va utiliser cette chance d'apprendre a practiquer cette langue. On va racontrer tout en bilingue, en anglais ainsi qu'en francais.
It is funny, what is the aim of learning that language on this late age? When I made a decision to be away from Pontianak, and then from Depok, I thought, I could reenter into employment market, for a moment I was a job-seeker. Encountering the fact that it was really not easy to find a job, it was an age factor, that made me rather indolent in being active. There were a lot of offers extended to me for making money on basis of free-lancer (I could take trivial orders of cheap translation for students) or doing business at home, or MLM (multi level marketing), business of online basis, to be a writer and/or public speaker, but I failed, not a single job I could catch. I thought, if on my age, I could still get money, it could hamper the younger generation to win bread.This younger generation might not get the opportunity of being rich. So, I withdrew myself from this competition, as I further thought that younger people need more these job opportunities, whereas for me, I don't see what's the important of being rich in my old age, because in fact, I am not rich. It's true, that money is not everything, but having no money, we can do nothing. And I am prepared of doing nothing, if I didn't have money. But it is life, when money is nomore the question, there will still be ample things ready to make attack, be problems. Back to language learning, I have often been asked for what I do this? What for learning foreign language like this? I don't know, may be, just may be, one day in my dream, I flew to France or any other francophone countries, I might not get lost, because I would be able to ask people there with their language. Just a conditional mood, dreaming for a joke.
Yes, I just wanted to say, that life problems were uncountable. When there were nothing to think of, small or unreal thing like flying mosquito or flier would matter to us. Again, just joking. Joking could make funny over anything that became matters or problems..Life is truly complicated. Worries and anxieties will become serious or dangerous problems, if we could not manage them well.
Today, I updated my FB status by saying: "If life were as a journey from one place to another, it could be more convenient, whether it was done by sea, by land, or by air, because all had been good managed and good directed, there found traffic direction and signs along the road guiding the travellers to their destination, the only thing that should have our caution were catastrophe or accident. However, it was unlike life, as life is life, full of winding roads, full of questionmarks of worries and anxieties." ..................
August 24, 2013
The convivialities of Iedulfitri (days of celebration after fasting month of Ramadhan) have been over, the holidays have also been over, and tomorrow, Monday, August 25, 2013, people are resuming their work and offices will already be fully on the go, children will also be back to school.
I must confirm myself also to start making amend on my own personal life, as lately, my heart becomes so blue, so fragile, easily discouraged. I know that only I myself who can help and to make amends, But in the meantime, I also feel powwerless, afraid of a lot things that may happen tomorrow. Only God that can help, I must pray and pray. May God bless me always, I fear to become a resentful person arousing pity. I wish God help me..........
I hope everybody has been home and have a good night rest for tomorrow, the hustle day will be on the go ..... Cheers.
I got blessings of performing a full month (30 days) fasting in the sacred month of Ramadhan, I became more open and had talks with my kins. They bluntly remarked me that I was incorrect in holding my previous life since young. Before I was so indifferent, because I knew that they would make criticisms like that and it was a wonder that could take their hard and blunt criticisms on my being now in this situation and condition. I appreciated their remarks and happily, I did not get angry, because criticsms from inside of me were far harder than theirs. I did not regret being plunged into present condition, and I promised to make amends for all these, As they say "the rice has turned into porridge", it is no use crying over the spilt milk. I know, I am still not too opened, I incline to do all these myself; I have to impress that alone, I will be able to
restore my life, I will do my best to make the porridge to be best meal and has beatiful presentation. Therefore I conclude this post now and I hope we will have a better and more interesting self discussion.
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