August 28,  2013

 I need a new standing for going forward to have an awesome journey along the path of heaven, I need to have, and therefore I am culturing a positive and sparkling attitude, a happy going-lucky  attitude.

I try to lead a good and happy life, for alone, I cannot rely on anyone else, only to the Almighty God. In the end of episode, I must live with LOVE, LEARNING, AND FAITH. For LOVE will make life more convenient,  LEARNING or knowledge or science will make life easier, and FAITH (in God) will make life in more order.(difinite life orientation). Because a lot of things are beyond human power, so we must be submissive to GOD. We are culturing those love, learning and faith in the heart that clean and healthy, so we will be appreciative, having positive thinking  In life, I must have been missing  certain loves, I have never experienced some complicated problems in the love realm. I develop love of universal meaning. I should forgive myself for everything, for every faults, for the whole life problems. I believe, when we can forgive ourselves,   anything else will go on their own way to the right directions. When we have self forgiven, we are to love ourselves, Learning is making our perception broader, and makes life easier. Whereas faith guides us to maintain life order.

Having a long life means we have to encounter various problems of life.
Yes, Life is good and wonderful.  I hope, I do not become an ungrateful person,
It is really very difficult  to pour out feelings, to write down whatever in mind. Inclination of weeping or grumbling over unluckiness just made me feeling bad. I realize that God has bestowed me an unique life as elderly, I wish I could savour this life to the full always.

My life is unique, I have a neighbour  living next door. This couple seems queer, their household looks odd, they are an elderly couple, I know them since they were young. The husband  is a retired of naval officer, the wife is just a housewife. They have a long marriage, it is already more than 30 years. The wife seems suffering from a kind of schizophrenia or derangement. They said that the wife has been disappointed of having miscarriage, and until now, they don't have any child. She is speaking incessantly, his husband is very patient in treating her. She can do some of housework, like preparing meal, cleaning the house, but other things his husband does. In this connection, I just want to express that this woman is lucky, because she has a faithfull husband to protect her, a benefit of having married.
I wish God bestow the best life for me. I will always be in good conditions, be healthy, and be alert until the end of time.

There is a curioisity about the meaning of "Rosa Kelana". "Rosa" is rose, and "Kelana" is "rambling" that is rambling rose. I was rambling, because "hope"  had gone. It is really not good, because the result is felt now in the aged life. The younger ones should do their best ("do what you do, do well, do it with heart and loves)  to fill in the life with something useful to create better world, to make provisions for the aged life. In the effort of being successful, enthusiasm should be involved for having high spirit. Donot ramble, because rambling is a sign that you don't have firm orientation of  what you do. With rambling, you will go no where (especially for rambling in mind). It is really not a good example, because it is a sign that you lived in doubtness), so don't doubt, be firm, be tough.

My despondency is that so far I have no work and I find it is difficult to transform an idea into a story or an article that can be presented publicly. I read a lot of books, I try to adapt one for my story, I find it stagnant, not flowing freely. I think I will be able to write one story, but I must confess that it is often interrupted, interrupted by learning french, or by reading books, or lately by my blogger activities. Some opening chapters have been done, stagnant, because they need embelishment with entertainment points so that can make the story interesting, readable. It is pity, that conciousness to be a writer came up too late. Success seems impossible for me. I feel despondency, because my present situation looks so grim, I am feeling desperate, there is nothing promising from me.

I must motivate myself so I have to awake to the danger of being desperate. I am going to write, I will be patient, no hurry, it is important to fill in time by doing positive things. Don't be succumbed! I may not be defeated, Cheer up, cheer up! Time is still there, be active, just saour the life to the full.
Just for self comforting, I cite  the wise words of Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of USA:

"Our greatest happiness in life does not depend on the conditions of life in which chance has placed us, but it is always the result of good conscience, good health, occupation and freedom"

Except for occupation, I have all above things.

Hi, what have you done, dear? You have promised to live down-to-earth, unpretentious. Now you don't have any serious problems, you incline to be despondency,  You know that life is a journey, you will encounter a  lot of things, you may also encounter chances, or opportunities, why are you  so indifferent now, you are to search chances, you must do your best to catch a chance, it is one effort to savour the life. Not just grumbling or crying, I am sorry, I am very sorry, I may not be like this. I wish God guide me always.
I think, all the argument of mine is misleading, it is not the kind of life I want to lead, I feel sorry, because it is really not a good example of emotion treatment, this can give bad picture of living an elderly. I just think I have lost my life orientation now that I need to amend.  I am not miserable at all. I just try to place myself in good position in this life. I have to make  myself of use, if I want to be happy and healthy. I just want to make myself  of use, to be of help of anyone else. I  want to make myself active. I may not be a burden, I may not make difficulty to anyone else.
At present I have done correctly, I am doing something that can alleviate one's burden, if possible. This night I felt better, and I could start writing a story, and hope I will be successful. .

Today I found a reading physic telling that people seem to be talking another language right now and they seem to be deliberately billingerent at times. I think I will be able to overcome that, since the moods and attitude are not about me. I should put myself in their shoes and hopefully, the answer will become clear.

A  long journey will make us to see a lot of scenery, and a long life will make us to experience a various kind of emotions, sensations, or sentiments.
Often in life, we face situations, like bad moods, worries and anxieties, that cannot  have tangibly measures for  overcoming them. If we keep them in our heart they will make us distressed, and they will  endanger our health in general. And it is hard for anybody extending help, yet but we have to face them.  Only GOD has best solution and time will also help in solving the problems. So, heart problems are very sensitive and also too private.


  1. I need to make excuses, why I am pouring out my emotion in blogger? I think, I have no mean thinking in my posts, I am only pouring out constrictions in my chest, I never deliberately do evil to other person, I only try to guide myself to walk on the correct path (as per my own conviction and perception). I realize that ofter we have bad feeling that cannot be settled by other person, 0r by self, one must comfort oneself, in order to get through one's own problem. A lot of things that can oppress the heart, often not real, but if we become depressed, it will make bad impact on our health. So, I hope no one will think hard or bad on my posts, because they are not specifically to be allusion or attact other people.

  2. Oh God,if my livelihood is in the sky, then get it down, if it is in the earth, then get it out, if it is difficult to be achieved, then make it easier, if it is unclean, then purify it, if it is faraway, then make it near, thank the truth of Thy light, Thy goodness, Thy beauty, Thy strength, Thy power, give me what Thou has bestowed unto Thy servants the pious. Amin.


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