Agatha's reading:, 28-8-2013

Today, you will be on the ball to make interesting conversation with a positive and sparkling attitude. You will be in the best position to teach something new to a friend. New career possibilities could open new doors for you at this time of  year. Try to recall what you see in your dreams as this could hold in important message. These dreams will make you feel more positive and luck is sure to follow which will produce positive results.

Oh God, if my livelihood is in the sky, then get it down, if it is in the earth, then get it out, if it is difficult to achieve, then make it easy, if it is unclean, then purify it, if it is faraway, then make it near. Thank the truth of Thy light, Thy goodness, Thy beauty, Thy strength and Thy power. Give me what Thou has given unto Thy servants the pious.

The aged life seems to be very frigile, and susceptible to illnesses, to have accident, to be crippled. I often see  the ageds becoming powerless, suffer from ilnesses, being unconcious to one's own surrounding, getting alzahaimer, geriartic problems.Can I arrange my own life based on my thinking? Day-to-day activities now is to keep myself clean, tidy and active, I still don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I am sure that today I have done my duties, for today I am safe, nothing urgent for this time. Since the beginning I promised to myself, that I will take good care of myself, we work together to make everything in balance,  we together arrange all our faculty or the five senses work well, also heart, brain and lung (blood and kidneys)  also are well functioned. I am an aged, I still do not know for how long my life will be. I can die in a matter of days, months or years.
I am to make preparation for beutiful end, I want to be clean, tidy and charming. I want to have presentation of clean, well dressed up uidand as attractive as possible.

I am in the midth of confussion, I am afraid of making ado about nothing, but I feel uneasy in these days. I don't have any thing to do now, I don't have any responsibility, Please, may God forgive, I want to be forgiven.
I got inspired that I might not always bemoan over the unluckiness because of :
1. Feeling being unacepted
2. being crisis in money, being broke
3. feeling of no use
I  should behave better, the problems met by Mas Bintoro family might not be repeated, or else, I could be a vagabond, I should keep on be patient. Feeling of gratitude shold be cultured on and on. My present condition is quite comfortable, but often I have feeling of  lost, I do not exist. and this grim feeling often come up making I want to cry. I believe in God, I perform "sholat" having regular prayers everyday, I wish a lot, I submit myself to God, I don't rely on any other thing, I believe in God, only in God, Allah SWT.

I wish God guide me, in the event of my time being not long, then may God guide me always to be safe and sound until the end of my time, ant the main point is that I could be a gracious and grogeous elderly.

Today, September 18, 2013,  I do have a wish, God will send me something useful for helping people surround me, I knew well they were encountering hardship now, they had a lot of burdens, I wanted to help them, but I was so powerless.


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