When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high
and don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm, there's a golden sky
and the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain
though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on
with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone
you'll never walk alone
Walk on, walk on,
with hope in your heart
and you'll never walk alone
you'll ne-ever walk alone

I got this song from Youtube, it's very touching
I like it very much.

I contacted Reni and she told  me a lot, she told that I was regretting to have gone from Depok, Therefore I became resolve that I would not be back to them, because I found my world here. I knew, here I did not have much things or could do a lot, but I was happy here, I did not want to return, back to my yesterday life. I had prepared also to live like this for the rest of my life. It could be that I would not be anything, or be anyone.
I don't have anything, but I still have a dream, I will be happy forever.

December 17, 2012  att 00:00

Now I do believe that the story that popped up not from anybody else, but from my niece herself. She does like to make up story, as she think one has been like her thinking. That is why my little girl Cuplis could tell anything like that, especially when I was in Semarang telling story that I was rejected by all my family, the one who cared only her's. And because she did too exaggerate when expressing her mind.I had already guessed it. And now, I won't think that I will come back to them, I want only to get near them, when I have been proper to be Kanjeng Eyang. Thank you for everything, I like very much my today life.

December 19, 2012

I am thinking a lot about my own existence, I just try to obscure myself, my life. In fact, by obscuring my life I will also never be happy, noone will care about it at all. At this time like this, I still can think normally, I can taste good, my health is okay, nothing bad withett my five senses, so  why must I be obscured, not be recognized by other? I don't want to be recognized by old flocks, old family, old relative, but now I must work harder to meet new ones, to have new socialization as new personality of mine.

 December 25, 2012
 I should send Christmas wished to the family of Gatot, but since he didn't send one to me on Idlfitri, so I didn't want also to send season greeting for them now, I will send one to the boy only.

Yesterday I made a trip to Jogya along with all family of Nurul, I tagged photos to FB just to show to show everybody that I did not walk alone, there are still a lot of people who love me, so I must make myself as cheerful as I could.
Yesterday, I also got a little accident, I fell skidding again in a toilet of a mosque in Kartasuro, because the tile is slippery, now I am still feeling a slight pain and got flu, so I have to take a rest for awhile. Don't worry darling, everything will be okay

If I do not have anything to do, this makes the situation  is very cumbersome.I am getting older, I want only to savor this life to the full. But for life itself, it needs expenditure  I wish I could do someting for my own living, It is very difficult to live in reality, I want still to do a lot. I know, maybe my time is finishing, my road will soon be ended, I am surrendering, I will try to make myself as happy as I can. I must take care of myself totally. The end of my life I must lead good and happy life, I must save own life, be healthy and be happy for ever. The only thing I want to do is to learn french, I must have an opportunity to go out, for getting some money for this course. I hope this can be done.

January 6, 2013

We have been entering the year of 2013, for sure I don't want my life stuck and inactive like this, I do want a change, I want to be active, and make a point to do something and to be someone. wish and hope still need to be turned up.
Yesterday, I was eager to be down-to-earth, I would only live in what I had and in a reality. I thought I would be a dreamer. Yes, I would be a dreamer. To chase unreal challenge, to hit unreal target, yes, I will open this year to be a writer and also to be a clairvoiyant.
 For my heart today, again it's full of doubts again, I wanted to go anywhere else, because I was not a person to be well received by my folks. It will be dangerous, leaving this place in any condition will only make myself to be vagabond. I don't want that kind of life. And I think, it's time to close this note and to pen a new one. Bye .....


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