April 6, 2013

I want to make this month of April 2013 as the beginning my effort to restore my life. I believe that I  lead my life plain and unpretentious. I don't want to dream anymore. I will live with whatever I have, whatever I can do, and whatever  I can make it. I think I will dare to go like this all along. I don't have enough money for today, I will not matter it, because the landlord prepares to supply anything I need, mainly for daily meal requirements. It does well for me, because I can fill in my time for preparing meal for this family everyday. And for my basic requirements, i.e. pulse charges of the amount Rp. 250 thousand. This can be covered for this month. Some of my nieces and nephews are willing to give their hands to me, they are helping me.

I don't mind staying in this family, forever if it is possible,  but I will pray, may God bestow me to be in good condition, and I would pray, God will grant prosperity  to the family who has given me life protection. I can accept today condition and also feel comfort here. I won't protest anything anymore, I only wanted to have beautiful life in the days to come. Thank you, my friend, you are so sweet lately, you can perform regular ritual process of sholat, that is very good for now, I know you cannot avoid of being melancholy at one time, it is okay, you may cry if you want to, but doing sholat regularly will help you a lot. Nomore complaints, but I insist to have expectation to get changes in life, to live in normal life as any other person, to make someone happy, to become a special person for loving and being loved.

Thank you, dear, you are really my friend, I can go on like this forever, and you will bear all problems with me. If you don't watch me, I will really be lost, I won't know where to go, what to do and also what for my life is. Thank you, thank you, thank you very, very much. Because you know, I was experiencing a very, very bad moment last two years, living alone, feeling not to have anyone who really cares of me, it could drive me insane, of course. You know, in the family of Mas Bintoro, there were some of his siblings abnormal, insane. His two elder sisters were not healthy, and also one younger brother got the same  derangement, I have been old and alone, I am afraid too becoming  of a desolate woman. I am to express my hearty gratitute to Allah SWT, I am very healthy and have prime sanity now. Subhanallahu'akbar. You will protect and giude me to savor this life to the full.

A multimillionaire Woman lives in Perth of Australia. Her income is IDR 5.7 million per second, wow how fantastic she is. They say, if she by accident  lost  IDR 1 million,  she will not search it anymore, because if she is searching her lost money, it will take at least some seconds, she will be losing much more amount. It is only a joke.  Having such a lot of money,  a lot of good deeds can be done. Now I am just wondering .... I am envy may be.

 To welcome the day of Wednesday,  April 10, 2013. I have carried out night prayers this  dawn. This is just a way to self comfort, because I feel  not safe and want to cry, In the crisis situation like this,  My submission to the life is on test now.

April 10, 2013

Yes, my dear, you are right. You can't do anything now, You may not show your disappointment, you must keep resilient. That's not the money that confuses your life, but worries of  tomorrow; you are afraid the attitude of people surround you, if you are turned out incapable of giving money in getting their loves and respect; you are inclined to be turned off, not by anybody else, but  you yourself. Therefore, now, both of us, you and me, are together now, we are true friend, we will make this journey as best as possible for us to go on living.

Just a minute ago, my lovely niece, informed that she just transferred some money to my account, at least there is someone who still takes care of me, as a member of her family, Koesoemo, I deeply thank her for her love and affection for me. This proved that I am loved by my mother, the late Mas Getuk and mbak Wiwik paid ther attention through their children. Rest in peace, my bro and sis, thank you a lot.
Yes, you are inclined to cry in these days, you may do that, honey, you may, I will be with you forever.

You seem to have been blue lately, I know you well, my dear, you can't avoid the feeling of worries for your future, especially because you are now an elderly, you can't make up everything that has lost from you. The era of your glory is over, you had enjoyed the glory of being wealthy when you were young. Please, always try to compose yourself, darling, your health will be the most important at this time.

Now I  really want to become myself, live in plain and unpretentious, to be down-to-earth, I can lead this kind of life always, nomore dreaming, living in reality, be myself.

Nearly every Sunday, I have the feeling like this, feeling lazy, apt to sleep down all day anda all night, but I am also afraid of having this kind of life  Dreams are following me, and I want to pray, I have a lot of wishes for the rest of my life.
I promise to be  down-to-earth in stepping forward in this precious life, I am savoing my life to the full. Though I must live like any other elderly, I will be like a lark (or like "Burung kenari" here), and happy going lucky.


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