
SELF ORGANIZATION - Who will love you my dear, if you ramble.

This will be my guidance to build a world anew.   I have been 2 years staying in this suburb, 2 years is not a short time, and I will be 70 years' old. I need a place to hide away, and I realize that only with writing I can manage my own emotion and also my life. trying to tell what I feel, will only hurt myself. I feel there are signs of reluctance that I might be their burden, an elderly, who seems afraid of getting troubles with me. The landlord has no word with me for so many months, he seems disappointed with my presence, therefore I feel confused so far, I worry a lot with my life to come. Now I surrender totally, I will make positive activities.Every day, I try myself to do positive things, I try to give my time to help the lady of this house, so she can concentrate well to earn more bread for the family, and I always pray begging forgiveness of Allah SWT, because I always think that now Allah SWT testing me, cleansing me thoroughly, I wish I will be able to get through th...

RENEWAL VOW - January 26, 2018

Lately, I was tested by the Almighty Allah SWT  I must go on walking forward. It seemed that I have been lost in the deep of dense forest. Some months ago I was making a blunder, by requesting help from my nieces and the reaction was negative. Then I have the feeling that I have been an unaccepted person, I became a personna non grata.I was afraid also that I would be a castaway.How I can make use of all the faculties I have simultaneously. Wednesday, 28th May 2014.   Today, I feel down, I have failed to make self  enforcing discipline in life. I do want to be normal as an individual, as a normal person living in a society. Last few days I have been covered up with boredom, I feel grim, fed up, worried, and I really feel despondent. I am really in the bottom of existence, I don't have money, anything for being survive. At the end of my life, I am in very bad mood, I am disheartened. I can't do anything now, just to stay up, and try to find out the things that still in...


At this time, I think, there is nothing can be done, I must be down-to-earth. I may not be a dreamer anymore, for the time is so close, so can I do everything in reality. I don't know what will be there tomorrow, but I know I must take good care of myself, I must comfort myself. I wish from today, every movement I am doing will be a kind of self comforting. Everyday I must make sure that I am in a correct position, I am in a right path, and I am doing anything rightly. From morning until night, everything I do is for comforting myself. The enamy I faced is no one else but me, it is me,  myself. So I must win myself, I must throw away all the bad thought, I must make myself as a queen, a lovely queen. Just disregard all bad things that surrounding myself, I want only to fill loves and happiness, only. Thank you, my heart, thank you my mind, I can lead a happy life all alone. See everything from a correct angle, from a wisdom, be realistic. I know, I want to be a philanthropic, to ...


SEJARAH MASJID LONING Loning merupakan sebuah desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Kemiri, Kabupaten Kutoarjo, Jawa Tengah. Di desa Loning ada sebuah mesjid yang sampai saat ini banyak dikunjungi oleh peziarah-peziarah baik dari dalam maupun dari luar negeri. Mesjid ini terkenal karena di mesjid ini terdapat makam KYAI GURU LONING atau Raden Mas Kyai Muchyiddinnurrofingi yang mempunyai nama anak-anak Raden Mas Mansur. Maklumlah Kyai Guru Loning termasuk seorang ulama yang mahir dan juga kerabat keraton, yang kala itu bisa mempunyai banyak isteri dan banyak keturunan yang tersebar luas di dalam maupun di luar negeri. Kyai Guru Loning merupakan pendiri dan pengasuh mesjid dan pondok pesantren di desa Loning. Sampai saat ini Masjid Loning masih banyak menerima peziarah-peziarah dari dalam dan luar negeri seperti dari Malaysia, Brunai Darussalam, terutama pada bulan menjelang Ramadhan, bulan Sya’ban, tradisi yang terjadi sampai saat ini adalah “Khol” yang diselenggarakan setiap tanggal...


RAJA MATARAM : PRABU AMANGKURAT I  (1645 -1677) Pada awal abad ke-18, Kerajaan Mataram menghadapi pemberontakan Trunojoyo. Prabu Amangkurat I kala itu mengalami kesulitan dalam menghadapi pemberontakan dan memberi tugas kepada putara tertua, Raden Mas Rahmat untuk mempertahankan keraton, tetapi pangeran ini menolak tugas tersebut, malahan ikut menyingkir.. Oleh karena itu tugas diserahkan kepada putera  sang Prabu yang lain, Raden Mas Puger yang aslinya bernama Raden Mas Drajat,  tugas untuk mempertahankan  ibukota keraton  PLERED. Namun karena terdesak oleh Pasukan Trunojoyo, Pangeran Puger menyingkir ke Jenar dan mendirikan kerajaan baru, PURWAKANDA dan bergelar Susuhunan Ingalaga . dengan ibukota Jenar Amangkurat I terpaksa melarikan diri dari keratonnya dan berusaha menyingkir ke arah barat, tetapi kesehatannya mengalami kemundurannya. Setelah terdesak ke Banyumas, kemudian ke Ajibarang dan Wonoyoso, akhirnya sang Prabu Amangkurat I mangkat di daerah Te...


Agatha's reading:, 28-8-2013 Today, you will be on the ball to make interesting conversation with a positive and sparkling attitude. You will be in the best position to teach something new to a friend. New career possibilities could open new doors for you at this time of  year. Try to recall what you see in your dreams as this could hold in important message. These dreams will make you feel more positive and luck is sure to follow which will produce positive results. Amin 3.9.2013 Oh God, if my livelihood is in the sky, then get it down, if it is in the earth, then get it out, if it is difficult to achieve, then make it easy, if it is unclean, then purify it, if it is faraway, then make it near. Thank the truth of Thy light, Thy goodness, Thy beauty, Thy strength and Thy power. Give me what Thou has given unto Thy servants the pious. The aged life seems to be very frigile, and susceptible to illnesses, to have accident, to be crippled. I often see  the ageds becoming p...


August 28,  2013  I need a new standing for going forward to have an awesome journey along the path of heaven, I need to have, and therefore I am culturing a positive and sparkling attitude, a happy going-lucky  attitude. I try to lead a good and happy life, for alone, I cannot rely on anyone else, only to the Almighty God. In the end of episode, I must live with LOVE, LEARNING, AND FAITH. For LOVE will make life more convenient,  LEARNING or knowledge or science will make life easier, and FAITH (in God) will make life in more order.(difinite life orientation). Because a lot of things are beyond human power, so we must be submissive to GOD. We are culturing those love, learning and faith in the heart that clean and healthy, so we will be appreciative, having positive thinking  In life, I must have been missing  certain loves, I have never experienced some complicated problems in the love realm. I develop love of universal meaning. I should forgive mysel...